Feedback Case Number:
The right edge isn’t drawn. Annoying…
On MacOS.
Do you have a sample project? You can zip it and upload to the forum post.
What version of macOS?
What version of Xojo?
What Mac Button Style?
What Selection Style?
I can’t reproduce with Xojo2024r3 and macOS 13.7
There is a bug report DesktopSegmentedButton Changes Width at Runtime #74795
I do MySegmentedButton.width = MySegmentedButton.width + 6 in the open event of my window to workarround this problem.
I’m not seeing a problem, but my buttons have space. 2024r3, macOS Sequoia 15.0.1 (24A348)
Big Sur (11.7.10)
2024 release 3
All styles
All selection styles
I’ll try this one. But the problem remains at design time.
Tried your solution. The first with your code in the opening event of the button, the last, in the window opening event.
The right edges are always truncated.
This appears like that in two of my application. One segementedbutton contains picture and the other text.
Dim iNbre, Fin_iNbre as Int16
Dim TpSegTypes(-1) as String
Dim TampSeg as Segment
TpSegTypes = TampText.Split(CarTab) ' Pour les segments sélectionnés
#If DebugBuild Then ' Un Split("") retrourne un tableau vide
If (TampText = "") and (not(TpSegTypes.LastIndex = -1)) Then MessageBox "Problème Tom :" + EndOfLine + "TampText = '" + TampText + "'" + EndOfLine + "TpSegTypes.LastIndex = " + str(TpSegTypes.LastIndex) ' Fin
Fin_iNbre = App.DiffTypes.LastIndex ' Forcément > -1 et < 5
While SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex > Fin_iNbre
' Break
SegButtChType.RemoveSegmentAt SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex ' On enlève le dernier mais on pourrait enlever n'importe lequel
While SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex < Fin_iNbre
' Break
TampSeg = New Segment
TampSeg.Caption = str(SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex) + "Ab" ' N'importe quoi on s'en fou
SegButtChType.AddSegment TampSeg
If not(Fin_iNbre = SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex) Then MessageBox "Error ! Please contact the authors, FaireSegButtChType" + EndOfLine + str(Fin_iNbre) + " ≠ " + str(SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex)
For iNbre = 0 to Fin_iNbre ' = SegButtChType.LastSegmentIndex
TampSeg = SegButtChType.SegmentAt(iNbre)
' MessageBox str(iNbre) + " / " + str(Fin_iNbre) + EndOfLine + TampSeg.Title
TampText = App.DiffTypes(iNbre)
TampSeg.Selected = not(TpSegTypes.IndexOf(TampText) = -1)
TampSeg.Caption = TampText
TampSeg.Width = (SegButtChType.Width / (Fin_iNbre + 1)) - 2
Next iNbre
TampText as String is a tabulated string containing the text I pass to my Method to select one or some of the buttons. (if I want to have Bbb and Eee selected I send “Bbb tab Eee”). App.DiffTypes is a array of string containing each segment.
For the other application with the picture, I do in the open Event:
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(0).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_A)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(1).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_B)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(2).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_C)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(3).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_D)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(4).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_E)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(5).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_F)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(6).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_G)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(7).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_H)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(8).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_I)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(9).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_J)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(10).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_K)
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(11).Icon = EchellePict(PionCoul_L)
#If TargetWindows Then
For iNbre = 0 to 12
SegButtLettr.SegmentAt(iNbre).Width = 23
SegButtSymb.SegmentAt(iNbre).Width = 23
Next iNbre
SegButtLettr.Width = SegButtLettr.Width + 6 ' @w@a@ #74795 DesktopSegmentedButton
SegButtSymb.Width = SegButtSymb.Width + 6 ' @w@a@ #74795 DesktopSegmentedButton
' MessageBox str(SegButtLettr.Width) + " , " + str(SegButtSymb.Width)
I made many tests to workarround this problem. The result for the one with picture:
I’m now under Sonoma but it work on my previous system Mojave.
It’s far away my knowledge… I’ll try to take the best of it for me.
You have to play with the width of the segmented button (the one containing all the segment):
MySegmentedButton.width = MySegmentedButton.width + 6
I add 6 because I see it works.
and the width of each segment:
MySegmentedButton.SegmentAt(iNbre).Width = xx
Try to code something like:
MySegmentedButton.width = MySegmentedButton.width + X ' Find the good number, but I bet 6 as for me (depending of what you enter in the loop below)
For iNbre = 0 to MySegButt.LastSegmentIndex
MySegButt.SegmentAt(iNbre) = XX ' Find the good number
Next iNbre
Olivier, you’re French no? Just curiosity .
Oui, à la question…
Yes… the solution works fine !