Has anybody been successful doing an HTTPSecureSocket GET with a client side certificate using Windows?
I need to do an HTTPS GET and submit a self signed certificate (in place of a password login) to download some information from a very secure school application service.
I can build a cURL command line to do the XML download but I cannot seem to get XOJO to do the same. I suppose I could SHELL out to cURL or use the MBS cURL plugin but this is pretty simple and if I can do it in native XOJO it would be better.
I started by using the HTTP Example program and modified it to handle the certificate and password:
Cert = GetFolderItem("my-path-to-the-cert",Cert.PathTypeNative)
DataSocket.CertificatePassword = "my-password"
DataSocket.Certificate = Cert
Unfortunately the service fails pretty much silently if you do anything wrong without much in the way of diagnostics. XOJO does NOT fire the error event unless you do something like provide a URL that will not resolve or a bad password for the certificate.
I suppose WireShark might be the next step and trace the cURL GET request then compare it to the XOJO GET request but that is pretty tedious.