scrypt & PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256

Ok. It has been a long time since I tried to code/program security/encryption/hashing algorithms. So please bare with me.

I need to have the scrypt funtion. Xojo’s crypto module doesnt support it natively. Which is fine as it is PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 based. Yeah my eyes got big when I read that to. I know what each of those items are when they are seperate but I am not sure what it means together. So lots of googling/binging/yahooing and I came up with this page.

it says that scrypt is:


 1. B[0] = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (P, S, 1, 128 * r)

 2. B[0] = scryptROMix (r, B[0], N)

 3. DK = PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 (P, B[0], 1, dkLen)

If I can figure out what it meant by PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 then the rest should be easy (easier?).

Any suggestions, comments, concerns, help, advice, anything is gratefully accepted.


I’d expect that to be the Crypto.PBKDF2 function with the SHA256 algorithm.

has anyone any test material for scrypt() function? something that is before scrypt and after. I cant find anything online and if I am going to write the functionality, I need to test to make sure I am generating the write outcome

I am finding more and more than I need the scrypt() function and cant work around it anymore.

Take a look at the tests I wrote for Bcrypt in my Blowfish project. I used PHP to hash a string and my code to validate it, and vice-versa. Perhaps you can do something like that?

[quote=305425:@Kem Tekinay]Take a look at the tests I wrote for Bcrypt in my Blowfish project. I used PHP to hash a string and my code to validate it, and vice-versa. Perhaps you can do something like that?[/quote]

thanks I will.

FYI, I just included Scrypt in the last update to my M_Crypto module.

[quote=352918:@Kem Tekinay]FYI, I just included Scrypt in the last update to my M_Crypto module.[/quote]

I saw! thanks!!