Scroll view when Keyboard visible

I’ve a (landscape) SplitView in my iPad app and on the DetailView I have some iOSTextField’s.
What do I have to do to Show this fields when the Keyboard become visible?
By the way: In the simulator it is working!

[quote=178719:@Jaap Cammeraat]I’ve a (landscape) SplitView in my iPad app and on the DetailView I have some iOSTextField’s.
What do I have to do to Show this fields when the Keyboard become visible?
By the way: In the simulator it is working![/quote]

AFAIK it is automatic as well on the device. One of my app does that.

Hmm, my iPad doesn’t.
Is there some other declare call for such a thing?

[quote=178727:@Jaap Cammeraat]Hmm, my iPad doesn’t.
Is there some other declare call for such a thing?[/quote]

You mean, on the iPad, there are some fields hidden by the keyboard ?

You could monitor fields with isFirstResponder which I placed in XojoiOSWrapper, and when you detect that, use the autolayout constraints to move all controls up.

What/where do I have to do something with this " isFirstResponder " ?

Is the simulator running the same version of iOS as your iPad and the same orientation?

Yes both 8.2 (12D508) and in landscape!

iPadScreen = Split

Do you have the simulator set to show he software keyboard?

Could you show us a screenshot of the simulator and the device?


On iPad mini:

Do you have the simulator set to show he software keyboard? NO It appears automatically!

It lets you see if an iOSTextField or iOSTextArea has the focus…

No need to shout. The simulator can be set to accept input from the Mac keyboard, and then the virtual keyboard won’t show.


On my brothers iPad Air 2 with iOS 8.1.2:

In editmode one of the top textfields: screenshot-ipadair2-ios812-1.png
In editmode one of the bottom textfields: screenshot-ipadair2-ios812-2.png

I’m not shouting, I only repeated the question of Greg and typoed my answer!

Ofcourse I do know that!

Greg, my brother has updated its iPad Air 2 to iOS 8.2 and it has the same strange result. It seems that the iPad doesn’t know exactly what the orientation of the SplitView is.

Wow, that looks like what happens when you change the orientation while the keyboard is visible. Even if you use Michel’s code, please file a bug report with all of those pictures and a sample project. Make sure you clearly state that this only happens on the device.

I didn’t look at the screen shots but from the description it sounds the same and I have already filed a bug report for this. #37904

Greg, look at (]

Is there any way to prevent/disable the auto-scrolling of the view?

Was there ever a fix for this problem? It seems kind of important that this gets fixed.