While working in another product this morning, I noticed a new feature that was called out and thought it would make a good example of things that can be done with IDE scripting.
The feature in question allows you to easily wrap the current selection in quotes or in parenthesis. A lot of other editors do this with smart quotes or smart parenthesis, but not Xojo. It only requires 5 lines of actual code including a comment for the keyboard shortcut.
// KeyboardShortcut = CMD-SHIFT-9
// Equivalent of CMD/CTRL-(
Dim s As String = SelText // Get the selection from the current editor
If s <> "" Then // If the selection isn't empty
// Replace the selection with the string enclosed in parenthesis
SelText = "( " + s + " )"
End If
If you want the same thing for quotes, it would look like this:
// KeyboardShortcut = CMD-SHIFT-'
// equivalent of CMD/CTRL-"
Dim s As String = SelText // Get the selection from the current editor
If s <> "" Then // If the selection isn't empty
// Replace the selection with the string enclosed in parenthesis
SelText = """" + s + """"
End If