If this works:
for i = (controlcount-1) downto 0
if self.control(i) isA RadioButton then
TOS.WriteLine str(RadioButton(self.control(i)).value)
Can it be change to reflect only saving the radio buttons with and index of 3? This does not work yet.
for i = (controlcount-1) downto 0
if self.control(i) isA RadioButton and RadioButon.index = 3 then
TOS.WriteLine str(RadioButton(self.control(i)).value)
It appears I need to continue to practice my casting syntax. Your answer is spot on Tim. You seem to be very helpful and this is a big project so I will Rem your initials in so I can find your examples and give you credit where due.
I will need to ponder your other thoughts on my timer thread and how I might better associate it to an event. I’ll work on it.