Running iOS app on device

I’ve only found the option to run apps on different iOS simulators.

Is it possible to run an iOS app on a physical device?

[quote=149680:@Alexei Vinidiktov]I’ve only found the option to run apps on different iOS simulators.

Is it possible to run an iOS app on a physical device?[/quote]

It’s not possible to debug on the iOS device, but you can build for the device and launch it on that.

I’m using the trial version of Xojo for iOS. I can’t build apps.

Thanks for the link.

It appears that running apps on devices is not very straightforward. Every time I want to run an app on a device I’ll have to jump through quite a few hoops. I hope this will change in the future.

In Xcode or in Xamarin Studio its very straightforward. You just select whether you want to run your app on a simulator or on a device and then click Run.

The Provisioning Profile setup is a one-time task. After that, it’s only one hoop: Copy the built app to the device using Xcode or Apple Configurator.

That’s good enough for release builds. But what about debugging on the device? Is it supported?

Debugging on-device is not supported in this first release.

Got it. Thanks!

So we have to pay for debugging on iDevices??? WTF

I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

No, you can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need


No. You have to pay Apple to put an app on your device. That’s not Xojo’s fault. Blame Apple.

As Travis said, you can’t debug while on the device (yet).

@John: Why do you need debugging on a real device? I don’t think there are any differences when running the emulator or real device. Correct me if I am wrong though.

Well, there is a difference. Different processor. The debugger is using Intel. The actual device is ARM. Being able to debug on the actual device would be nice.

Screen size and rendition, ergonomics, camera, mike, personal documents, international keyboard that do not work in the simulator (yes, it’s a bug : congratulations Apple), speed, among other things I am probably forgetting at the moment…

That said, debugging on the simulator is far easier because access to the console, and messages in the IDE through System.Debuglog. So to debug in the device is probably not that simple. It would require using the device as sort of the second screen to retain these facilities, not simply copy the executable over, to really debug. Though XCode does it, so it is possible.