I try to run this AppleScript with admin privileges on macOS but it doesn’t work when the app is sandboxed with AppWrapper. The admin password of the user is not asked. Works when not sanboxed.
There are correct entitlements added
If TargetMacOS Then
Dim dialog As New MessageDialog
Dim response As MessageDialogButton
dialog.Message = "Options for Apache server"
dialog.Explanation = "Apache is integrated in macOS."
dialog.CancelButton.Visible = True
dialog.CancelButton.Caption = "Cancel"
dialog.ActionButton.Caption = "Start Apache only"
dialog.AlternateActionButton.Visible = True
dialog.AlternateActionButton.Caption = "Setup to launch at startup too"
response = dialog.ShowModal
If response = dialog.ActionButton Then
If response = dialog.ActionButton Then
' Start Apache immediately
Dim script As String
script = "do shell script " + Chr(34) + "/usr/sbin/apachectl start" + Chr(34) + " with administrator privileges"
Dim appleScript As New NSAppleScriptMBS(script)
Dim errorInfo As Dictionary
Dim result As NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS = appleScript.Execute(errorInfo)
If errorInfo <> Nil Then
MsgBox errorInfo.Value(NSAppleScriptMBS.NSAppleScriptErrorMessage)
//MsgBox("Apache started successfully.")
End If
ElseIf response = dialog.AlternateActionButton Then
' Setup Apache to launch at startup and start it immediately
Dim script As String
script = "do shell script " + _
Chr(34) + "echo '<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n" + _
"<plist version='1.0'>\n<dict>\n" + _
"<key>Label</key>\n<string>com.example.apache</string>\n" + _
"<key>ProgramArguments</key>\n<array>\n" + _
"<string>/usr/sbin/apachectl</string>\n" + _
"<string>start</string>\n</array>\n" + _
"<key>RunAtLoad</key>\n<true/>\n" + _
"<key>KeepAlive</key>\n<true/>\n" + _
"</dict>\n</plist>' | sudo tee /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.apache.plist" + Chr(34) + " with administrator privileges" + EndOfLine + _
"do shell script " + Chr(34) + "sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.apache.plist" + Chr(34) + " with administrator privileges" + EndOfLine + _
"do shell script " + Chr(34) + "/usr/sbin/apachectl start" + Chr(34) + " with administrator privileges"
Dim appleScript As New NSAppleScriptMBS(script)
Dim errorInfo As Dictionary
Dim result As NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS = appleScript.Execute(errorInfo)
If errorInfo <> Nil Then
MsgBox errorInfo.Value(NSAppleScriptMBS.NSAppleScriptErrorMessage)
//MsgBox("Apache setup and started successfully.")
If result Is Nil Then
//MsgBox("No result returned.")
End If
End If
' Cancelled by the user
//MsgBox("Operation cancelled by the user.")
End If
End If
End if