I’m trying to create like a MDM program to update machines and commands on my work. The remote connection works perfectly. I’m using Chocolatey package manager (like apt-get for windows) to install software in all the machines, but when I send the update command (ej: cmd.exe chocolatey update all) I need to do it in Administrator Console. How can I get run a shell in administrator mode?? It’s possible? Are there any solution or I can’t finish my project?
You will need your app to run as administrator, just the same as the command prompt.
Have a look at http://developer.xojo.com/elevating-user-access-control
@Wayne Golding This ^ is great stuff.
@Wayne Golding
How do I modify the ExecuteWithUAC method to just execute some shell commands with elevated privileges? I’m not really sure how to use this. Am I supposed to put the path to the exe of the program that is running the method to get this working?
You should be able to pass “CMD.EXE” as the program & the commands as the args. You shouldn’t need to have the full path to cmd.exe, however if you do use “%windir%\system32\cmd.exe”.
@Wayne Golding
I actually tried that and I couldn’t get it working. I’ll try again, I’ve almost completed a console application I was going to let it do the shell work and try to call it via the method and see if that worked for me better. Thank you.
Maybe "CMD.EXE/C " followed by command - don’t as args? Don’t have time to try it myself just now.
So I’m getting closer I think. I only made one change to the ExecuteWithUAC method.
I have a global shell property called mShell I want to use so I can see what the shell returns in a textarea.
So in my window open I have this:
mShell = New Shell
mShell.Mode = 1 //Asynchronous
And I altered the ExecuteWithUAC method like this:
[code] Dim f As FolderItem
Dim t As TextOutputStream
Dim script As String = “Set objShell = CreateObject(”“Shell.Application”")" + EndOfLine _
- “objShell.ShellExecute “””", “”"", “”"", ““runas””, 1" + EndOfLine
Dim s As String
f = GetTemporaryFolderItem
f = GetFolderItem(f.NativePath + “.vbs”)
t = TextOutputStream.Create(f)
s = ReplaceAll(script, “”, program)
s = ReplaceAll(s, “”, ReplaceAll(args, chr(34), chr(34) + chr(34)))
mShell.Execute("Wscript.exe " + f.NativePath)[/code]
I’m trying to execute the method like this:
[code] Dim strName As String
Dim strPath As String
strName = “My Service Name”
strPath = chr(34) + strName + chr(34)
ExecuteWithUAC(“CMD.exe”, "SC Start " + strPath)[/code]
I get the UAC prompt but then it’s just a command prompt at C:\ and no code executes?
No problem thanks I’ll keep trying.
Have you tried using sc as the program?
ExecuteWithUAC("SC", "Start " + strPath)
That got it!
@Wayne Golding
This is a really nifty piece of code! Thanks again for sharing it!
Glad you got it working
@Wayne Golding
I actually ended up writing a console app to do the service stop/start work for me because there was a UAC prompt for both service stop and start. This way I use the ExecuteWithUAC method to start the console app and there is only one UAC prompt and the service app can then execute multiple commands.
I wrote a method that checks to see if the service is running too. Somebody might find it useful.
' Check to see if My Service is running and continue...
dim sh as new shell
sh.mode = 0
dim strName As String
dim strArgs As String
dim strCommand as String
dim s as string
dim i as integer
isStart = false
isStop = false
dim intCheck as integer = 0
strName = chr(34) + "My Service" + chr(34)
strArgs = chr(34) + "STATE" + chr(34)
strCommand = "sc query " + strName + " | findstr /i " + strArgs
s = sh.Result
i = InStr(s, "RUNNING")
if i > 0 then
intCheck = 1
intCheck = 2
' Perform service action based on result
Select Case intCheck
Case 1
isStart = true
isStop = false
strResult = "My Service is STARTED."
Case 2
isStop = true
isStart = false
strResult = "My Service is STOPPED."
End Select
return strResult