I switched my app to be 64bit, now I can’t run it from within XOJO, is that normal behavior. I have to do a Build to see if it works. thanks for any help.
I’ve been away and now picking up my Xojo project again… what’s the latest news on 64 bit debugging, and eventual 64 bit remote debugging?
Hi Norman
Thanks for the great links. Very fast way to get me back in sync… hopefully some time soon I’ll find the time to actually attend XDC in person. Thanks, Joe
[quote=302638:@Joe Huber]Hi Norman
Thanks for the great links. Very fast way to get me back in sync… hopefully some time soon I’ll find the time to actually attend XDC in person. Thanks, Joe[/quote]
XDC is one of the better conferences I go to.
XDC has the following benefits (from my point of view)
- Almost everyone from Xojo (the company) is there. Any they are available to sit there and talk to you about anything related to Xojo (and we have had many conversations about non-Xojo related stuff)
- All the attendees. You have heavy hitters like @Bob Keeney and @Kem Tekinay to newbies that just downloaded Xojo days before the conference. And everywhere in between.
- The Sessions are great. And there is a big variety of topics and skill levels.
- the many hours you get to sit down and hang out with people you have been working with for years but never been able to sit down with to new friends. I walk away every time with at least a new friend if many new friends.
- A few days off from work so you can relax is always a good thing.
and there is probably more but my caffeine level is low this morning.
To me nothing beats hearing ‘NO’ to your feature request straight from @Norman Palardy
This year he refused to make it possible for Xojo to run on my TRS-80 Pocket 1 (with 2 4-bit processors).