Row & Column of ListBox.ActiveCell

Is there a way to determine the row and column of the ActiveCell?

What for ?


So, you want to know what Row / Cell was clicked ?

Read there ListBox :
Determining which cell was double-clicked

The Cell is Editable, you know the Row,Cell

You want to save the Cell “live” ?

Sorry, I just checked a project where I have an Editable Cell and I do nothing like that there. In CellGotFocus, I remove the FocusRing/ Set a Mask Value, but nothing related to what you ask.

In the Debugger, you can watch the ActiveCell (a TextField) if you add a CellKeyDown Event and set a Breakpoint there. This May Help you…

Someone ?

In CellGotFocus:

[code] Dim Edit_Cell As TextEdit
Dim My_Row, My_Col As Integer

Edit_Cell = Me.ActiveCell
My_Row = Row
My_Col = column

Edit_Cell.SelStart = Len(Edit_Cell.Text)
Edit_Cell.SelText = "Row, Column: " + Str(My_Row) + “,” + Str(My_Col) + “.”[/code]

This returns what you asked into the ActiveCell.

Thanks, Emile.

That’s similar to what I do now, but I was looking to see if it was available directly. I end up having to use a global property to save the current row and column so I can access it in other events. Seems I can’t override the ActiveCell to add these properties either.

Use a TextArea instead (search in the forum for that trick).

Does a TextArea have a Row and Column property?

a. What for ?
(of course; and even if it would not be the cas you can use System.MouseX and System.MouseY: System .)

b. read the LR (RTFM)… :wink:

I see. You’re suggesting to create my own Row and Column using MouseX and MouseY. Ok.
I’ve already said why.

“No” and “I do not understand”.

There are plenty Events that have X and Y, and some that do not have.

If you put a TextField (in the Cell) where the user click for Edit, in the TextField, there are Events that told you X and Y.

Make a Search in this Forum (yes not easy) for the specs.

Editable Listbox are the search words I had in mind to made that search.

I guess you’re trying to help, Emile, but I really don’t understand what you’re saying.