Rounding Numbers

I am trying to round numbers to the nearest 10th.
Running the following code generated the results to the right.
msgbox str(format(2.15, “0.0”)) = 2.1
msgbox str(format(2.25, “0.0”)) = 2.2
msgbox str(format(2.35, “0.0”)) = 2.4
msgbox str(format(2.45, “0.0”)) = 2.5
msgbox str(format(2.55, “0.0”)) = 2.5
msgbox str(format(2.65, “0.0”)) = 2.6
msgbox str(format(2.75, “0.0”)) = 2.8
msgbox str(format(2.85, “0.0”)) = 2.9
msgbox str(format(2.95, “0.0”)) = 3.0

Am i missing something here on lines 1, 2 , 4 and 5 of this code???
Any ideas on why this happens??

2.25 is stored as a double, and is actually 2.24999(repeat), so it rounds down.

Try this (I’d recommend a function to do it, though):

  dim d as Double = 2.25
  d = Round(d*10)/10
  msgbox str(format(d, "0.0"))

or if you know for a fact that you will never need a precision greater than 2 digits past the decimal, then use the CURRENCY datatype instead of double, and you will not have this problem

From the LR:

This is a 64-bit fixed-point number format that holds 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right.

You can also do it this way.

msgbox str(format(2.15 + 0.05, "0.0"))

This will always give you the correct answer.
It’s a well known programming trick from the time I was programming in Dibol and Cobol.
(I’m getting old. ;))

[quote=97198:@Paul Sondervan]You can also do it this way.

msgbox str(format(2.15 + 0.05, "0.0"))

This will always give you the correct answer.
It’s a well known programming trick from the time I was programming in Dibol and Cobol.
(I’m getting old. ;))[/quote]
Actually, if you try “format(2.20 + 0.05, “0.0”)”, it doesn’t work. You still get 2.2.

[quote=97191:@Andre Kuiper]From the LR:

This is a 64-bit fixed-point number format that holds 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right.[/quote]

Confused… are you advocating that this is NOT a viable solution…

You are right.
I forgot 1 zero.
The correct code is:

msgbox str(format(2.15 + 0.005, "0.0")) = 2.2

(2.14999 becomes 2.15499 → 2.2 rounded)

Dave, no, just pointing out that the currency variable has 4 decimal digits instead of 2 as you mentioned.

Pls. try this:

[code] dim c as Currency =1234567890.1266

MsgBox str(c,“#,.00”)[/code]

and you will see that the problem still is there.

The (corrected) version of Paul’s example is IMHO a right one solution.

Thanks guys for your responses. Adding .005 before rounding seems to be the best fix and works fine. So extra thanks to Paul.

Try this function:

Function RoundDblToNplaces(origNum as Double, places as Integer) As Double
dim roundedNum as double

// get adjustment value
dim s as string = “.”
For i as integer = 1 to places
s = s + “0”
s = s + “5”
Dim adjustmentValue as Double = Val(s)

// get format string
Dim formatString as string = “#######.”
For i as integer = 1 to places
formatString = formatString + “0”
Dim formattedNumString as String = Format(origNum + adjustmentValue, formatString)

// round
roundedNum = Val(formattedNumString)

return roundedNum
End Function

Rounding can get rather complicated. See here.
