Hey guys… I’ve been trying to display some rotated text labels (with short dates) using a string shape, rotating it and drawing it to a canvas… but the spacing of the text seems uneven… (before the “/” seems to be an extra space where there is not… ) I know this is probably a consequence of the rotation… ? but can it be improved ?
Any ideas ?
Ps: This is the code…
g.AntiAlias = True
Dim s as New StringShape
s.VerticalAlignment = StringShape.Alignment.BaseLine
s.Text = tituloCol
s.TextFont = "System"
s.TextSize = 10
s.Bold = True
s.Y = 0
s.X = 0
s.Rotation = 0.785 // (radians, 90 degrees = pi/2)
g.DrawObject(s, nLeft+BarSeparation+3, self.Height-marginBottom+7 )