A while back on a forum long long ago (ok… a few months and the RealStudio forum). There was a topic about 1980’s era BASIC and how far things have come, yet we miss the “good ole days” … yada yada yada. At that time I was bored… and started and mostly completed an operational BASIC interpeter written completely in RealStudio/Xojo with no special funky API’s or declares. It is line number based, contains its own editor (emulates 64x16 and 80x25 terminal screens)… Has TRS-80 style graphics (those 2x3 cells… remember those?). I extended the TRS-80 syntax to include many features from Basic-80 and MBasic (the PDF manuals are in the ZIP file, along with a TRS-80 Model 3 manual). This code is being offered to the public domain AS-IS with no expectations on your part. It is purely for educational purposes, as it illustrates many concepts and techniques used in more complex compilers and interpeters (and yeah some of it is brute force code). Probably the most interesting part of the code for most will be the section that parses and solves equations.
You will also notice this project has a grand total of ONE Xojo control… a single canvas which is used to present the “terminal display”
Note : this has only been run under OSX… but I see no reason it won’t work with Windows or Linux.