I use Retina Kit 2 for a xplatform Desktop app (rather to enhance the Mac-side) and tried the option to implement a bevelbutton into it (just like the demo: I place it outside the window and assign it in the open event). Again, on a Mac it works nicely, but on Windows the button is placed centered at the upper border of the window, thus not readable because only its lower half is displayed. Is this feature Mac-only? Or would I have to reposition the button at Window.open time?
Do you mean the part which says
“Interface Tricks” module, customize OS X controls with all that GUI goodness.
How silly! I didn’t realize it came from that framework. Hmm looks like I have to look for another solution then. Thanks, Markus!
It’s Mac only, it’s a feature of the NSToolbar.
I’m afraid I don’t know enough about Windows to know if you can even do something similar.