ResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS error

Just started to get this error:

Any ideas why?

Xojo 2023 r4, using plugins dated 2023

Same plugins, same code, Xojo 2023 R2, I get this error, but an empty iOS project runs

You may need to update your MBS plugins. I remember a post/blog from Christian about this.

Im getting too old for this.

Apple switches iOS version, and so to try and accomodate, so far I have had to
upgrade the OS (didnt want to move to Sonoma, thanks),
Upgrade Xcode (twice), download new iOS support files (4 times),
buy a new Xojo licence against my will, and now new plugins too?
All this to change 2 lines of iOS code?
I despair

Here’s the blog post about 2023r4 requiring a MBS plugin update

You will need newer MBS Xojo Plugins, e.g. 23.6 beta or later 24.0 release. Due to change in delegate handling, we had to adjust our plugins.

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Just install 24.0 or 24.1 plugins as you have a license for them.
That should fix it.

Also clear cache if you have more problems.

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Enough to switch to Windows??? :rofl: :sweat_smile::rofl:


Just install 24.0 or 24.1 plugins as you have a license for them.

I was about to investigate that. I do also tend to ‘stick with what I know works’ - Xojo, OS, plugins - for as long as possible.

(Thankfully) Bought, but literally never installed. Thats on me. Got me past this message. Nearly there…