Resizable areas?


I wonder if Xojo supports me in what I want to do or if I have to do care about myself (manually). I’m not asking for code just howto…
Imagine 3 areas in a window:

  • Area A (project navigator, presumably a hierarchical listbox)
  • Area B displaying text
  • Area C Showing some textual output
-----------------------           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|                     |           |                                                                     |              
|                     |           |                                                                     |    
|                     |           |                                                                     |    
|  Area A             |           |                                    Area B                           |    
|                     |           |                                                                     |    
|                     |           |                                                                     |    
-----------------------           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|                                                                                                       |
|                                  Area C                                                               |
|                                                                                                       |

(can’t attach image here, so I did it this way, ASCII rocks)

Now I would like to resize area A (make it smaller) to give area B more space… Or the user minimises area C so area A and area B would get more height.

Is that possible “out of the box” by Xojo or do I have to program it manually? If it’s possible what kind of objects/elements I have to use?


You would program yourself, which would not be too difficult, or there one or two addons that would assist. In Xojo you could do it with the locking points and they could follow the other controls, right, left, top and bottom etc.

Area A = List box control added to window
Area B = Text Area added to window
Area C = Text Area added to window

You can size the controls on the window in the IDE or you can resize during run time based on code you supply

out of the box there is not control that does this
BUT, something like MarsSplitter can do this just by placing instances between the controls in the orientation you want

Thank you all guys for the always helpful and quick answers! I just wanted to make sure there is no “official” way rather than I do it manually and find out later I could have saved time.

Will also check the addons…

A really simple splitter is not to hard to whip up
MarsSplitter works pretty well and is smart enough for handling a decent amount without any work