ReplaceAll too slow

Is there a better way to write this code. It works fine but is extremely slow when processing large sets of data.

Function removeIllegalCharacters(name as string)

dim arrIllegal() as string = array ("\","/",":","?","<",">","*","“","&","@","$","|","%","~")
dim arrReplace() as string = array ("92","47","58","63","60","62","42","34","38","64","36","124","37","126")

dim i as integer
For i = 0 To 13
  name = ReplaceAll(name,arrIllegal(i),"-chr" + arrReplace(i) + "-")

return name

I have a similar function to put the same characters back (also too slow).

How “slow” is it.
How many characters is your source string?

Try to use array.indexOf and the re-assign the indexed value

The function is called about 2000 times in one operation, each processing a block of text average length 15 characters.

I ran a test using this test string:

var s as string = String.FromArray(array( "\","/",":","?","<",">","*","“","&","@","$","|","%","~", " ") )
s = s.Repeat_MTC( 1000 )

That takes about 13 ms.

Modifying the code like this reduces that to about 3 ms.

Public Function RemoveIllegalCharacters(name As String) As String
  static arrIllegal() as string
  static arrReplace() as string = array ("92","47","58","63","60","62","42","34","38","64","36","124","37","126")
  if arrIllegal.Count = 0 then
    arrIllegal = array ("\","/",":","?","<",">","*","“","&","@","$","|","%","~")
    for i as integer = 0 to arrReplace.LastIndex
      arrReplace( i ) = "-chr" + arrReplace( i ) + "-"
  end if
  dim i as integer
  For i = 0 To arrIllegal.LastIndex
    name = name.ReplaceAllBytes(arrIllegal(i), arrReplace(i))
  return name
End Function

Finally, instead of trying to roll your own, you could use EncodeURLComponent, and that takes about 0.5 ms for the above test.


Or about 0.15 ms after the first usage.