Hi Everyone,
I created a Windows app without using any coding using a program called Neobook but now I need to remake it as a webapp to run on all devices. Neobook is VERY limited as it can only output a fixed height and width .exe file.
Before I jump in with Xojo any further than I have, I am after some advice first.
The app I have already made depends heavily on being able to do the following things:
- Store user inputs as variables.
- Query a database table to find the matching row to the variable (there will only be one matching row)
- Use If…Else commands to select certain data from the row (e.g. If User entered Black, select the value in the column BlackSelected Else select the value in the column AllOtherColours. Store the query in variable named Result.
- Use basic Maths to calculate the correct result. For example, If User RadioButton = Small MATH NewResult = (Result - 1) ELSE NewResult = Result.
- Goto next page
- Display the instructions - Your need a RESULT in size NEWRESULT.
I built the above app without any coding as I don’t know PHP etc. and from what I have read so far, I would be able to easily re-create this using Xojo.
However, where I come unstuck is with connecting to databases - my current app simply uses an Access database table (as obviously it runs locally on the client PC).
As a webbapp, I am thinking that the data will instead need to be stored in a database on my server. I currently use Hostgator for all of my webhosting, and usually build websites using Joomla.
So here’s my questions…
- If I develop the Xojo app locally, what happens when I upload the files to my webserver? Will I need to change all references to where the data is located once the files are uploaded? Also, is there an easy way to create a mySQL database online using my current local Access database?
- Looking at the Webapps links that have been done with Xojo so far, they all seem to reside in the cgi bin? I don’t think I’ve placed anything in there since the days of YaBB! Does this mean that the app created won’t be true HTML5? Will I need to call it as an iframe into a custom friendly URL on my website?
- I really need my code hidden from others, so I was hoping that (similar to PHP) only HTML would be outputted to the browser. Is this the case?
- Finally…as I currently make most of my websites with Joomla, I was hoping to continue using Joomla as my authentication system for users etc. How easy (down the line) would it be for my Xojo created app to integrate with the Joomla authentication for web users etc.?
Many thanks.