Regex not working to replace urls

I’m trying to remove some urls in html. The regex is working fine in Patterns:

But in my code the urls are not removed:

if theHtml = "" then Return ""

dim theRegex as new RegEx
theRegex.Options.TreatTargetAsOneLine = True
theRegex.Options.CaseSensitive = False
theRegex.Options.DotMatchAll = True
theRegex.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = True

dim SearchPattern as String = "url\((""(https?://[^""]+)"")\)"
theRegex.Options.Greedy = True
theHtml = theRegex.Replace(theHtml)
'dim m as RegExMatch = theRegex.Search(theHtml)

What am I doing wrong?

Example: (4.4 KB)

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@Kem_Tekinay will know when he comes online.

Protected Function FixHtml(theHtml as String) As String
  if theHtml = "" then Return ""
  Dim rx As New RegEx
  rx.SearchPattern = "(?si-Um)url\((""(https?://[^""]+)"")\)"
  rx.ReplacementPattern = "REPLACED_URL"
  Dim rxOptions As RegExOptions = rx.Options
  rxOptions.ReplaceAllMatches = True
  Return rx.Replace( theHtml )
End Function

Done with RegExRX by @Kem_Tekinay :wink:


Thanks! I think I foobared the example and then looked too often at the code.

I forgot the line:
theRegex.SearchPattern = SearchPattern

Time to get off the computer.

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He may be already dreaming the answer :innocent:

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That’ll do it. :slight_smile:

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BTW: Still waiting for an ARM Version of RegExRX on macOS. :wink:

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Look’s like a Universal Binary. Nice! Thank you :slight_smile:

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