Recommend FTP client for Windows

I’m very happy with as my SFTP/FTPS client for macOS. Can anyone recommend a similar app for Windows? Happy to pay for it, as long as it’s easy to use.

I just use FileZilla on all platforms. Free and easy.


FileZilla is good and very popular.

CyberDuck ( is another good option. You can get it through Windows Store or MacOS App Store as well.




Thanks! After writing this, I forgot that I had used FileZilla before on mac, and it looks like there is a good Windows version as well.

FTP Disk: FTP Client for macOS and Windows
or, available for macOS and MS Windows. 100% Xojo made.

@Stanley_Roche_Busk Just FYI, that website section “Updating a website” has white text on a pale grey background. (light mode if it makes a difference).

Looks nice but doesn’t seem to support SFTP and the About window copyright date is 2018.

+1 for CyberDuck.

The current FTP Disk 1.5.3 was released in March 2024. It is a universal binary application that supports FTP, FTPS, and FTPES. SFTP support is underway. FTP Disk is also available for Windows. Everything has been coded in pure Xojo language with no plugins.

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Great, I will try to remember to check back later :slight_smile:

I use Transmit on Mac for years and Filezila on Windows (but I rarely use it as my main computer is my Mac and I manage my website from it).
I need SFTP too and I will try your app again when it will be ready. Transmit offer the option to revert the list → I like to have my local on the left and the distant on the right. Is it possible for you to add this feature? Am I the only guy to ask for it?
One last thing, Transmit offer the synchronisation, all file added or modified in my local folder are uploaded on the distant.
You did a good work.

YummyFTP had a great feature where you could specify the root URL of your site and copied URLs for items would be automatically formatted as http links you could email to people to download files. Neither Transmit nor FileZilla has this feature and links have to be reformatted before they can sent to people for easy downloading. I submitted it as a feature request to Transmit but they ignored it.

A very useful feature that Transmit currently has that FileZilla does not is quick-look previews under MacOS.

Julia, I don’t understand, in the Transmit setting I set the parameter “URL root” to my website address and when I navigate in my distant folder I do a right-clic on an item and I select “Copy URL” and I have the URL to post in a forum on to send by email.
Maybe I didn’t understand what you mean by “automatically formatted as http link”?

Although if I am honest, the separate floating window that appears while uploading really irritates me - I keep losing sight of it. I wish it was single screen.

Ah. I tend to have everything that I use a lot (except Finder) each in its own separate Space.

Forklift on Mac has some very good synchronisation options. Not sure if it has a Windows version.

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Hi Thomas, it’s close but not exactly what I need. It gives

but what I want is

Many colleagues don’t have an ftp client available, but in most cases if I link to a zip file, jpeg, text file etc it will download OK in their default browser using the http link.

For Windows: Filezilla Pro (the paid version) or WinSCP (free). Both are beyond the FTP basics, like managing S3 Buckets, connecting to SFTP, etc.


Here’s another vote for WinSCP. The scripting feature is amazing for automation.