
Some years ago, I believe in the Real Basic magazine, not xdev, there was an article about setting up a RecentItems class. I cannot find it in my pdf copies of the magazine. So it might have been elsewhere.
Does anyone know where it was?

OpenRecentMenu.xojo_binary_project in the Example Projects folder ?

Thank you. My search didn’t show it anywhere

Thank you. I found the project which wasn’t easy. I also found the article on XDEV. I am happy it’s been updated, since I had some things I need to update on it.
Designing a Recent Items Submenu and it has an update with the code in 2112. It was apparently from 2007.
My article has by Copyright © 2004-2007 Aaron Ballman

For reference, the file is here: Examples/Desktop/Menus/OpenRecentItem

I also updated the Desktop Menus section of the User Guide with information how you could make a recent items menu:$creating-a-recent-items-menu

Thanks. I did find it. The original article has a much more complicated and thorough coding, but it’s out of date.
I emailed XDEV and maybe they’ll post an updated version. I also had a couple of questions about it.

If by any chance you’re targeting the Apple App Store, you may need an alternative solution.

Really. A lot of the original code is not current. What other reason is there?

For it to work in the Apple App Store, it needs to be Sandbox safe, which can’t be done with pure Xojo. There a bunch of solutions for this, but IMHO the best is to adopt Apple’s APIs for managing a recent item.

This either requires a bunch of declares or a plugin. I sell the source code to my Sandbox Kit, which is what we use in our applications. I’m certain Christian has a solution via his MBS plugins.

You only need to worry if you’re targeting the Apple App Store, otherwise you don’t.

[quote=321060:@Sam Rowlands]For it to work in the Apple App Store, it needs to be Sandbox safe,

You only need to worry if you’re targeting the Apple App Store, otherwise you don’t.[/quote]
Are there resources in XOJO for setting up sandboxes?
Also, where do I find good explanations of Apple’s and Microsoft’s APIs?

Apple -
Micorsoft -
Linux GTK+ -

[quote=321060:@Sam Rowlands]For it to work in the Apple App Store, it needs to be Sandbox safe, which can’t be done with pure Xojo. There a bunch of solutions for this, but IMHO the best is to adopt Apple’s APIs for managing a recent item.

This either requires a bunch of declares or a plugin. I sell the source code to my Sandbox Kit, which is what we use in our applications. I’m certain Christian has a solution via his MBS plugins.

You only need to worry if you’re targeting the Apple App Store, otherwise you don’t.[/quote]

I find that a very unsatisfactory situation. Shouldn’t Xojo be using the proper APIs underneath? At the very least the documentation should have been updated with the required info. After all, it’s not as if the App Store went online only yesterday …

Btw this is also a classic case of “Duplication of effort” that I would expect a programming environment to deal with: instead of ONE person at Xojo solving the problem HUNDREDS of Xojo developers have to deal with it themselves.

Colossal. Waste. Of. Time.

Could also make a nice webinar