reCaptcha in Xojo 2022r3

• start with Brock Nash’s 2014 post here:

• Download his Xojo project.
• Open it in Xojo 2019r3.2
• Create a new web project in Xojo 2019r3.2 (I selected the example Web => Downloading project)
• Copy the WebReCaptcha class from Brock’s into your new 2019 web project
• Drag the class onto the web page and you see a reCaptcha visual
• Hit Run and the app runs with no error messages
• Repeat these steps in Xojo 2021r3.1
• When you drag into the window, there is no visual, just an icon at the bottom like dragging a Timer
• When you hit Run the error message “Can’t find a type with this name - trol(CSS)” is displayed at location “WebReCaptcha.SetupCSS” and 4 errors are displayed in the usual area at the bottom.

It seems like the WebControlWrapper no longer exists or behaves very differently. Anyway this is where I am lost and can go no further.

Again suggestions or an alternative to the Captcha are welcome.