REALGetPropValueBoolean((REALobject)instance, "Enabled", &enabled) does not work in IDE mode

I posted bug report: 63406.

REALGetPropValueBoolean((REALobject)instance, “Enabled”, &enabled) does not work in IDE design mode

So control has no idea if it should render enabled or disabled while in IDE design mode.

This one here does work but is deprecated:
RBBoolean enabled = REALGetControlEnabled(instance);

Easiest solution would probably be to remove deprecated on the REALGetControlEnabled.

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Thank you for looking into it.
In MBS Plugins I recently changed to use REALGetPropValueBoolean, but I simply return true if REALinRuntime is true, so I didn’t run in the problem myself.

I saw your feedback case: 63406

The feedback case is listed above 63406