I’m trying to read subtitle files (EBU STL files - specs here:
The file is opened and read it into a binary stream and the information is copied to a string and outputted to a textarea.
But I’m obviously missing something because I can’t see all the information in the files in the output area.
This is what I have in a push buttons action event:
[code] //Specs for STL’s: https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3264.pdf
Dim f As FolderItem
Dim bs As BinaryStream
Dim s As String
//Get a FolderItem
f = GetOpenFolderItem(“stl”)
//make sure it exists before we try to read it
If f <> NIL And f.Exists Then
//open the folderitem as a binary file without write privelages
// To open with write privelages, use true instead of false
bs = BinaryStream.Open(f, False)
//make sure we have a binary stream to read from
If bs <> Nil Then
// Get the General Subtitle Information (GSI) block
s = "Code Page Number: " + bs.Read(3, encodings.UTF8) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Disk Format Code: " + bs.Read(8) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Display Standard Code: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Character Code Table NUmber: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Language Code: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Original Programme Title: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Original Episode Title: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Translated Programme Title: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Translated Episode Title: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Translator's Name: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Translator's Contact Details: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Subtitle List Reference Code: " + bs.Read(16) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Creation Date: " + bs.Read(6) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Revision Date: " + bs.Read(6) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Revision Number: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Total Number of Text and Timing Information (TTI) blocks: " + bs.Read(5) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Total Number of Subtitles: " + bs.Read(5) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Total Number of Subtitle Groups: " + bs.Read(3) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Maximum Number of Displayable Characters in any text row: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Maximum Number of Displayable Rows: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Time Code: Status : " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Time Code: Start-of-Programme: " + bs.Read(8) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Time Code: First In-Cue: " + bs.Read(8) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Total Number of Disks: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Disk Sequence Number: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Country of Origin: " + bs.Read(3) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Publisher: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Editor's Name: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Editor's Contact Details: " + bs.Read(32) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Spare Bytes: " + bs.Read(75) + EndOfLine
s = s + "User-Defined Area: " + bs.Read(576) + EndOfLine + EndOfLine
//Get the first Text and Timing Information (TTI) block
s = s + "Sub one:" + EndOfLine
s = s + "Subtitle Group Number: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Subtitle Number: " + bs.Read(2) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Extension Block Number: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Cumulative Status: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Time Code In: " + bs.Read(4) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Time Code Out: " + bs.Read(4) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Vertical Position: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Justification Code: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Comment Flag: " + bs.Read(1) + EndOfLine
s = s + "Text Field : " + bs.Read(112)
OutputArea.Text = s
//close the binaryStream
End If
End If[/code]
And this is the output in the textarea:
[code]Code Page Number: 865
Disk Format Code: STL25.01
Display Standard Code: 0
Character Code Table NUmber: 00
Language Code: 07
Original Programme Title: original_programme_title
Original Episode Title: original_episode_title
Translated Programme Title: translated_programme_title
Translated Episode Title: translated_episode_title
Translator’s Name: The Translator
Translator’s Contact Details:
Subtitle List Reference Code: 0
Creation Date: 150214
Revision Date: 150214
Revision Number: 01
Total Number of Text and Timing Information (TTI) blocks: 00004
Total Number of Subtitles: 00004
Total Number of Subtitle Groups: 001
Maximum Number of Displayable Characters in any text row: 40
Maximum Number of Displayable Rows: 23
Time Code: Status : 1
Time Code: Start-of-Programme: 00000000
Time Code: First In-Cue: 00000100
Total Number of Disks: 1
Disk Sequence Number: 1
Country of Origin: DNK
Editor’s Name:
Editor’s Contact Details:
Spare Bytes:
User-Defined Area:
Sub one:
Subtitle Group Number: [/code]
And nothing more. I don’t get all the information from the TTI block
If I read the string in the debugger as binary I can see all the content from the TTI block but it doesn’t show in the outputarea.
Any ideas?