You might want to have a look at MacOSLib - it has functions to deal with RTF that used to be MUCH faster than Xojo’s build-in ones (by a factor of 100) and didn’t mangle the RTF text. Not sure if Xojo has ever improved their own functions.
The original data is :
To open the RTFD add the MacOSlib and the Additional Modules to your project.
MacOSlib has a readRTFD method that is an extension of a TextArea and returns a boolean
So all you have to do is either use CALL (if you don’t want to use the return value)
#if TargetCocoa
Var file As FolderItem = Folderitem.ShowOpenFileDialog("Special/Any")
Call t.ReadRTFDFromFile(file.NativePath)
#pragma unused t
or use if … end if:
#if TargetCocoa
Var file As FolderItem = Folderitem.ShowOpenFileDialog("Special/Any")
If t.ReadRTFDFromFile(file.NativePath) Then
// your own stuff, eg add window to window menu
MessageBox "Could not open file."
End If
#pragma unused t
Best wrap it into an extension method that you can call from anywhere:
Public Sub OpenRTFD(extends t as TextArea)
#if TargetCocoa
Var file As FolderItem = Folderitem.ShowOpenFileDialog("Special/Any")
If file Is Nil Then
// user cancelled
Call t.ReadRTFDFromFile(file.NativePath)
// or
' If t.ReadRTFDFromFile(file.NativePath) Then
' End If
Catch e As IOException
// unable to open file
End Try
End If
#pragma unused t
End Sub
MacOSlib also has a WriteRTFDToFile extension method …
In the TextArea Open event add:
Sub Open() Handles Open
Me.UsesFindPanel = True
me.UsesFindBar = True
me.UsesInspectorBar = True
End Sub