Has anyone called R from Xojo? I need to do thousands of statistical tests, and I would like to pull the data from a database with Xojo, send the data to R for analysis, then use Xojo to organize the results.
No experience, but it looks like you can call R from the command line. Can you have your Xojo app “write” a script, send it to R via a Shell and parse the results?
Better do everything in R.
I need to do complex queries. Can this be done in R?
Sounds like you don’t know the extent of the tools you are using…
Perhaps it is best to do everything in R. I found the following information regarding interfaces between databases and R.
I am trying to do more with Xojo because of how easy it is to use to combine tasks. It would be nice to know how to interface with R.
It is more work and less flexible to add Xojo to the mix to interface with R. Stay within R, it is immensely powerful. You won’t get round writing scripts, most of the work is being done in a console like environment (though there are some graphical interfaces available), and the learning curve is steep (more like perl than Basic).
R is not a database that just needs a friendly face. Adding Xojo for the front end will still mean you have to do pretty much the same amount of work in R, and by the time you have done it you want to stay in R.
You sound like you’re still evaluating R. I apologize if that’s not the case, but if you are, then you might want to take a look at Pandas. You might find python an easier hill to climb coming from Xojo.
Looking at the comparison I think R is easier - see http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/comparison_with_r.html
Must be a personal preference. I find the python easier to read/understand.
OS manufacturers should have specified a simple convention for applications to make calls to each other and to libraries regardless of platform and of original language used. It should have been a rule that all compilers and interpreters/runtimes implement this common interface regardless of the availability of other, higher level interfaces.
And it should have been enforced on pain of death