QRcode generation and scanning

Xojo’s inability to handle Kanji code in QRcode generation and scanning is a fatal flaw.
Consider Shift-JIS or UTF-8.

Providing Kanji code to Xojo’s Barcode.Imagen will result in an invalidargumentException.

→ Barcode could not be created with the supplied inputs.

Please correctly handle ISO18004 Chapter 7, 7.3.6 Kanji mode.

See. QR-Code/ISO IEC 18004 2015 Standard.pdf at master · yansikeim/QR-Code · GitHub

Please correctly handle feature requests and post them here: https://tracker.xojo.com/xojoinc/xojo/-/issues?sort=created_date&state=opened

I’m just trying to help while having a little fun :wink:

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Thank you for pointing this out @Hironobu_Sekine

I think we have it managed now:


Excellent !