Provisioning Profile Problem

I have previously built for the App store but am now on another machine and get the following message when trying to build.

‘Provisioning profile “Surf Coach App Store” doesn’t include signing certificate "Apple Distribution: Martin Fitzgibbons (79WGU83578)…’

I have been through most of the suggestions I could find

  • Deleted all the keychain certs, downloaded and reinstalled
  • Deleted my Xcode account and logged back in
  • Deleted the Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and let Xcode reinstall


Looks like the issue comes from the profile you set up at

It seems straight forward. I set up the following profiles with my unique App identifier

  • IOS App Store
  • IOS Development
    Should there be more?

Maybe this works, but I always download the profile and double-click it to launch Xcode and get it in there.

Since I deleted
Deleted the Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and let Xcode reinstall
All the old greyed to certificates have disappeared from Xcode, the once that keychain didn’t have which is a good sign but now the Apple Development Certificate for my computer is greyed out and says not in keychain so I have stuffed up something else.
When I look in the keychain it actually show the certificate is in the keychain

I’m trying to be mindful and not wreck the Mac App certificates I had in place for the last project… or doesn’t it matter and I can delete everything and start again??

OMG why did that feel so complicated… very unforgiving process but hopefully correct now :slight_smile:

Makes me appreciate App Wrapper even more.