Programming Humor 3

HAL 9000: Dave. Put down those Windows disks. Dave. DAVE!

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Truth!!! My VM “farm” has many more Linux distros than I need. I disproportionately use my Gentoo and Arch VMs for my testing. My excuse is that “if they’ll run here, they’ll run anywhere.” That is more or less true. But the real reason is that I’m proud of myself for successfully setting up Gentoo and Arch machines in the first place. :slight_smile:


Yeah, those are “non-trivial” distros.
Good for you!

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No, it’s a Windows user, he left Thumbs.db files everywhere !!! :wink:



I’m almost certain that this file is not used anymore. Currently thumbnail caching is centralized at %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer

Yes, if you are using some legacy content you may be dragging some with you.

I used a bit of time (few hours) Windows &1 last year for testing a Xojo application.

I do no checked that, and of course, I believe you.

The worst is the icon files (icon\cr)… yes, a Return at the end of the file name. Look what what it’s look like with GIMP (the current version é.&0.38 OR LOWER). Bah :frowning:

Emile, sometimes you speak an unique language in an own culture hard to understand, I call it Emileschwarzish from Emileschwarzland. It’s ok, it’s kinda fun, but sometimes it takes some effort to understand. :smile:


Nous sommes tous le Emile Schwarz de quelqu’un d’autre. Sorry, I can’t find a suitable translation.


Eh bien… j’ai compris quand même.




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Salut Pierre.

When I was in graduate school I took a class in queueing theory. I had written a long program in Fortran, all on punched cards, of course. At home, deep in an effort to find the errors in the program because it wouldn’t compile, I was getting frequently interrupted by wife and young daughter; each interruption set me back about an hour of sleuthing.

I had a small house with an unfinished basement - I built a plywood workbench and got a small desk lamp, and retreated to the basement; all lights off except for the little desk lamp. Worked like a miracle. No one wanted to come downstairs in the dark and I was in my own universe.

Sitting on a Sears work stool in front of a plywood work bench, in the dark, became my study location. No one realizes when you are mentally five or six layers deep into a program looking for issues (the Fortran compiler was useless in telling you where the errors were), any interruption undoes hours of work.

Today I’m retired and much older, and have poor hearing and hearing aids. My new solution is to turn off the aids - works the same as the dark space in the basement.


It’s absolutely true, but in hindsight I regret not having made more time for family and at times being outright rude in my self-centeredness. The kids are now gone but I still have to stop myself sometimes when hubby calls at the critical afternoon time when I’m on the verge of solving today’s Big Problem to ask what I want for dinner.



I’ve had hearing loss at the “Profound” level since I was a child. It’s a feature, not a bug. It works like a charm when concentrating.

To keep this in the humor section, someone who knew me well once sent me a card. It said, “Once again, Paul misunderstood the assignment.” When you opened the card, the graphic showed students at their desk with books about Plato. In the back, one person (my friend labeled him “Paul”) was opening a can of Play-Do. That captured my situation perfectly. :grinning:


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At least ‘Myself’ is disabled :slight_smile: