I Wish I Knew How To… Program #SQLite with #Xojo API2 Version 2.6 book has been released. It is a free update for Version 2.x purchasers. More book information can be viewed at scispec.ca/index.php/books and can be purchased at xdevlibrary.com
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There are many updates to this book, and more will be released in the near future.
- Updates to Version 2.6 – Oct 2023
- This is a continuation of the many updates for API2 controls with SQLite.
- Changed Example 13-1 from CreateDatabase to Connect to database
- Example 13-2 is updated to API2 with the following code and control updates: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopLabel, connect – not create database.
- Updated API2 code and controls in Example 13-3 which include: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopLabel,
- Code and controls were updated on Example 13-4 and the following was upgraded: Binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopApplication, DesktopButton, DesktopLabel, DesktopButton Pressed Event, and DesktopMenuBar.
- Example 13-5 has been further updated to API2 controls and code: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, binary project, DesktopButton, DesktopLabel, DesktopButton Pressed event, and DesktopMenuBar.
- API2 code and controls have been updated in Example 14-1: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, binary project, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event, Desktoplabel, and DesktopMenuBar.
- Example 14-2 is updated to API2 with the following code and control updates: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopLabel, and DesktopMenuBar.
- Updating the following controls and code on Example 15-1: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopLabels, and DesktopMenuBar.
- Example 15-2 has code and controls updated to the latest version of API2 in Xojo 2023 R2: Binary Project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopLabel, and DesktopProgressBar.
- Code and controls have been updated on Example 15-3: DesktopApplication, Binary Project, DesktopWindow, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed and Opening Events, DesktopLabel, DesktopProgressBar.
- Updated controls and code in Example 16-1 which include the following: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopLabel, and DesktopTextBox.
- Controls and code updating occurred to Example 16-2 with the following info: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, Desktop Pressed event, DesktopLabel, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopListbox, DesktopListbox CellTextAt, and DesktopTextField.
- Example 17-1 has been updated to API2 with the following changes: Binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListbox CellTextAt.
- Updated code and controls in Example 17-2 to the following: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, binary project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListbox CellTextAt.
- Code and controls were updated in Example 17-3 to: Binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopListBox, and DesktopListBox CellTextAt.
- Example 17-4 has been updated with code and controls which include the following: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListBox CellTextAt command.
- API2 updates with control and code have been updated as follows To Example 17-5: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListBox CellTextAt command.
- More controls in Example 17-6 have been updated to the following: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListbox CellTextAt.
- Example 18-1 controls and code has been updated: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, binary project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event, and DesktopLabel.
- Upated code and controls to the project Example 19-1 with the following: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, Binary Project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed and Opening Events, DesktopListbox, DesktopListBox to CellTextAt, DesktopLabel, and DesktopTextField.
- Example 19-2 has been updated to the latest API2 code and controls with the following modifications: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Opening and Pressed event, DesktopListbox, DesktopListbox CellTextAt, DesktopLabel, DesktopTextField, and String.ReplaceAll.
- Updated code and controls to Example 20-1 which include: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DestopMenuBar, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListbox CellTextAt.
- Controls and code have been updated to the latest version of 2023 R2 API2: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopListbox, and DesktopListBox CellTextAt.
- Example 21-1 API2 has been updated to the following controls and code: DesktopApplicaition, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Opening and Pressed event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopListbox, DesktopListbox CellTextAt, and DesktopLabel.
- Updated controls and code in Example 22-1 to the following: DesktopApplication, binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopListbox, DesktopButton Pressed event, DesktopMenuBar, and DesktopListbox CellTextAt.
- Code and controls are updated in Example 22-2: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, binary project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Opening and Pressed event, DesktopListbox, DesktopListBox CellTextAt, and DesktopLabel.
- Example 22-3 has been updated with the following API code and controls: binary project, DesktopWindow, DesktopApplication, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopLabel, and SQLitePreparedStatement ExecuteSQL command.
- Updated Example 22-4 to the latest Xojo 2023 Release 2 API2 code and controls: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, binary project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed event and Opening Event, DesktopListbox, DesktopListbox CellTextAt, DesktopLabel, and DesktopMenuBar.
- API2 code and controls have been updated in Example 25-1: binary project, DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Opening and Pressed events, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopListbox, DesktopListbox CellTextAt commands, DesktopGroupBox, DesktopTextField controls, and DesktopLabel controls.
- Updated API2 controls and code in Example 26-1: DesktopApplication, DesktopWindow, Binary Project, DesktopMenuBar, DesktopButton, DesktopButton Pressed Event, DesktopLabel, and removed unused variable.
- Example 27-1 was updated to API2 with the following edits to controls and code: converted many parameters to doubles, and added Pragma unused for parameters.