I do quite a bit of diagnostics for Xojo users who are having trouble getting their iOS project to build or deploy. Usually the problem has to do with missing or corrupt provisioning profiles, but sometimes the conflict comes from having too many profiles on their machines. I had been helping users clean this up manually, and it was mentioned to me that it’d be great to have a tool that others could use to do this work, so here it is…
The project is up on my GitHub account with an MIT license attached. If you’re not in the mood to compile it yourself, there’s a Universal Binary available in the Releases area.
Keep an eye out. I hope to have an update out soon that hooks into the App Store Connect API which (combined with a little logic) gives more insight into why profiles aren’t working.
For instance, It’s always surprising to me that when you download profiles with Xcode, that it doesn’t clean up certificates that no longer exist in their system.