Problems with COM library


I have two problems with some COM library.

  1. Indexers - in manual they said that to set property i should use: UserField(name) = new_value, this work in get (so i can do value=UserField(name)) but not set, also set method for this property have no argument „name” only „Value”.

UserField As String
#if TargetWindows
If mThis = Nil Then Raise New NilObjectException
Dim func As New UserField_Put_Func1( mThis.Ptr( 0 ).Ptr( 144 * COM.SIZEOF_PTR ) )
Dim Local_rhs_Param As Ptr
Local_rhs_Param = COM.SysAllocString( value )
Dim resultCode As Integer = func.Invoke( mThis, Local_rhs_Param)
If 0 = resultCode Then
Raise New COM.COMException("Failed on UserField”, resultCode )
End If
COM.SysFreeString( Local_rhs_Param )
End Set
End Property[

There is also method in this object called UserField:

Function UserField(bstrName_Param As String) As Variant
	#if TargetWin32
  		If mThis = Nil Then Raise New NilObjectException
  		Dim func As New UserField_Get_Func2(mThis.Ptr( 0 ).Ptr(143 * COM.SIZEOF_PTR ))
  		Dim resultCode As Integer
  		Dim Local_bstrName_Param As Ptr
  		Local_bstrName_Param = COM.SysAllocString( bstrName_Param )
  		Dim Return_pvValue_Param As Ptr
  		Dim pvValue_Param_MB As New MemoryBlock(16)
  		Return_pvValue_Param = pvValue_Param_MB
  		resultCode = func.Invoke(mThis, Local_bstrName_Param, Return_pvValue_Param)
  		If resultCode = 0 Then
    		Dim retVal As Variant = COM.VARIANTToRBVariant(Return_pvValue_Param)
    		Return retVal
  		Else // Throw Exception
    		Raise New COM.COMException("Failed on UserField”, resultCode)
  		End If
End Function
  1. For Each - some of the objects returns list which regarding manual i can use in this loop, but in Xojo i can’t, because of „This object does not implement the Iterable interface and cannot be used in a For Each loop”

Obejct returns:

Deliveries As Iterator
		#if TargetWindows
  			If mThis = Nil Then Raise New NilObjectException
  			Dim ppVal_Param As Ptr
  			Dim func As New Dostawy_Get_Func1( mThis.Ptr( 0 ).Ptr( 14 * COM.SIZEOF_PTR ) )
  			Dim resultCode As Integer = func.Invoke( mThis, ppVal_Param )
  			If 0 = resultCode Then
    			If Nil <> ppVal_Param Then
      				Return New InsERT.Iterator( ppVal_Param )
    			End If
    			Raise New COM.COMException("Failed on Dostawy", resultCode )
  			End If
	End Get
End Property

Iterator have super COM.IDispatch and following members:



Protected Sub Constructor
// This class is not instantiable
End Sub

Sub Operator_Convert(rhs As COM.IUnknown)
	#if TargetWin32
  		If rhs.Handle = Nil Then Return
  		Dim p As Ptr
  		If 0 = rhs.QueryInterface( InsERT.Iterator.IID, p ) Then
    		mThis = p
    		Raise New IllegalCastException
  		End If
End Sub

Function _NewEnum As COM.IUnknown
	#if TargetWin32
  		If mThis = Nil Then Raise New NilObjectException
  		Dim func As New _NewEnum_Func1(mThis.Ptr( 0 ).Ptr(7 * COM.SIZEOF_PTR ))
  		Dim resultCode As Integer
  		Dim Return_ppvObject_Param As Ptr
  		resultCode = func.Invoke(mThis, Return_ppvObject_Param)
  		If resultCode = 0 Then
    		If Nil = Return_ppvObject_Param  Then Return Nil
    			Return New COM.IUnknown(Return_ppvObject_Param)
  			Else // Throw Exception
    			Raise New COM.COMException("Failed on _NewEnum", resultCode)
  		End If
End Function


ElementsCount As Integer
		#if TargetWindows
  			If mThis = Nil Then Raise New NilObjectException
  			Dim pVal_Param As Integer
  			Dim func As New ElementsCount_Get_Func1( mThis.Ptr( 0 ).Ptr( 8 * COM.SIZEOF_PTR ) )
  			Dim resultCode As Integer = func.Invoke( mThis, pVal_Param )
  			If 0 = resultCode Then
    			Return pVal_Param
    			Raise New COM.COMException("Failed on ElementsCount”, resultCode )
  			End If
	End Get
End Property

Shared Methods:


All code above is generatoed by Xojo after Insert/ActiveX Component/References. Most of the code from this module is working without problems after some corrections (data types for example) to the module but i don’t know what should i do about those indexers and For Each. I should mention that my application is x64. I am using Xojo 2019 Release 1.1. I will appreciate any help.