problem with plugin mysqlcommunityserver

I have previously declared a property called dbDatos as mysqlcommunityserver.

when I want to create an instance on line

dbDatos= New MySqlCommunityServer

marks the following compile error: “Can not find a type With This name”

In other versions did not mark the error

What I can do

Thank You

This is the image showing the error displayed :

does not want to recognize plugins valentina reports and ChartDirector

several possibilities

  1. the plugin is not installed

  2. the plugin isn’t loading - for some reason like permissions etc (the fact chart director & valentina are also not loading leads me to suspect this is the cause)

It could also be that you have too many plugins installed. Try trimming down your list to just what you need.

if I have many plugins installed around 41 because I have it from Einhugur and some of monkeybred besides valentina reports

in total are over 40 plugins

Does that could be the problem?

thank you very much for your reply and help

Would be interesting what dbDatos really is and how you initalize it? Maybe a static namespace reference?

You see the declaration in the 2nd line

All plugins have been installed and remove even some plugins and let strictly necessary and still the problem

xojo not recognize me your own plugin mysqlcommunityserver

Any ideas?

What made it was a project that could change smoothly until version 2.1 of xojo 2014 r but not let me in any version

You did quit & restart the IDE after installing the plugin ?

If it still gives you unknown type for mysqlcommunityserver then its still not loading the plugin

What I cannot diagnose from here is why

DebugView for window may be needed to see the launch log messages which may be instructive
THen you can see if the IDE is really skipping loading those plugin

I created a test project that works without problem xojo 2014 r 2.1.

but if I open with xojo 2014 r 3.2 or I xojo 2015 r1 does not compile and marks the errors you see in the image.

Jorge - you might want to take that image down because it has your key visible. Although you whited out your key in the editor, the errors list at the bottom has the entire key displayed.

[quote=168420:@Jorge Lira Mena]I created a test project that works without problem xojo 2014 r 2.1.

but if I open with xojo 2014 r 3.2 or I xojo 2015 r1 does not compile and marks the errors you see in the image.[/quote]

Which leads me to still say the plugins are not installed in 2014r3.2 or 2015r1

plugins are already urged as seen in the image:

thanks for monitoring

even mysql plugin community of xojo is installed but not recognized

If it still gives you unknown type for mysqlcommunityserver then its still not loading the plugin

What I cannot diagnose from here is why

DebugView for window may be needed to see the launch log messages which may be instructive
Then you can see if the IDE is really skipping loading those plugin

Please grab DebugView from Microsoft and start it before you start the IDE

Deleted. My eyes or brain not seeing well.