I decided to take some time and attempt to convert my main project to start using some of the new Desktop Controls like DesktopListbox and DesktopPopUpMenu instead of the old Listbox and PopUpMenu controls.
First of all - it has been quite a bit of work. Second, I wonder if these “new” controls are really just the old ones but with different event names and method names. Is there any real advantage (other than autocomplete) to using the new controls?
But outside of that philosophical question, I have a more practical one. I have some declares that are used to get and set the sizes of PopUpMenus and PushButtons. These are now broken under the DesktopControls and it seems to revolve around that fact that in the old API, the Handle property of the control returned an integer while now the Handle property returns a Ptr. I thought it would be simple enough to use Ptr.Integer or Ptr.Int32, etc. but I get hard crashes of the app. Here is the code of the two Declares in question:
Public Function GetNSControlSize(Extends r as DesktopUIControl) As Pair
#If TargetMacOS Then
#If Target64Bit Then
Declare Function getCell Lib "Cocoa" Selector "cell" ( handle As Integer ) As Integer
Declare Function getBounds Lib "Cocoa" selector "bounds" (id As Integer) As NSRect64
Declare Function getFrame Lib "Cocoa" selector "frame" (id As Integer) As NSRect64
Declare Function convertRectToBacking Lib "Cocoa" selector "convertRectToBacking:" ( NSViewInstance As Integer, rect As NSRect64 ) As NSRect64
Declare Function convertRectFromBacking Lib "Cocoa" selector "convertRectFromBacking:" ( NSViewInstance As Integer, rect As NSRect64 ) As NSRect64
Declare Function convertSizeToBacking Lib "Cocoa" selector "convertSizeToBacking:" ( NSViewInstance As Integer, rect As NSSize64 ) As NSSize64
Dim ctrl As Integer = r.Handle.Integer
Dim cll as integer = getCell(ctrl)
Dim MyRect As NSRect64 = getBounds(ctrl)
Dim MyRect2 as NSRect64
MyRect2 = convertRectFromBacking(ctrl,MyRect)
Dim MySize As NSSize64 = MyRect.RSize
Dim MySize2 as NSSize64 = convertSizeToBacking(ctrl,MySize)
Dim width As Double = MySize.width
Dim height As Double = MySize.height
// Adjust the values from what Cocoa reports - not sure why...
If r IsA PopupMenu Then
width = width-12
height = height-12
Elseif r IsA PushButton Then
width = width-12
height = height-12
End If
Dim p As pair = width : height
Return p
Declare Function getFrame Lib "Cocoa" selector "frame" (id As ptr) As NSRect
Dim ctrl As ptr=ptr(r.Handle)
Dim MyRect As NSRect = getFrame(ctrl)
Dim MySize As NSSize = MyRect.RSize
Dim width As single = MySize.width
Dim height As single = MySize.height
Dim p As pair = width : height
Return p
End Function
Public Sub setControlSize(Extends c as DesktopUIControl, inSize as NSControlSize)
#If TargetMacOS Then
Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Cocoa" (className As CFStringRef) As Ptr
Declare Sub setSize Lib "Cocoa" Selector "setControlSize:" _
( ObjectHandle as Integer, inSize as NSControlSize )
Declare function getCell lib "Cocoa" selector "cell" ( handle as integer ) as Integer
if c isa progressBar or c isa ProgressWheel then
setSize( c.handle.Integer, inSize )
setSize( getCell( c.handle.Integer ), inSize )
// - Now we also update the text font to match
Dim fontSize as Double
select case inSize
case NSControlSize.NSRegularControlSize
declare function systemFontSize lib "Cocoa" selector "systemFontSize" _
( classRef as Ptr ) as Double
fontSize = systemFontSize( NSClassFromString( "NSFont" ) )
// + (CGFloat)smallSystemFontSize
declare function smallSystemFontSize lib "Cocoa" selector "smallSystemFontSize" _
( classRef as Ptr ) as Double
fontSize = smallSystemFontSize( NSClassFromString( "NSFont" ) )
end select
// + (NSFont *)systemFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize
declare function systemFontOfSize lib "Cocoa" selector "systemFontOfSize:" _
( classRef as Ptr, inSize as Double ) as Ptr
Dim ref as Ptr = systemFontOfSize( NSClassFromString( "NSFont" ), fontSize )
if ref <> nil then
// - (void)setFont:(NSFont *)fontObject
declare sub setFont lib "Cocoa" selector "setFont:" _
( NSControlHandle as integer, font as Ptr )
setFont( c.handle.Integer, ref )
End If
end if
#pragma undefined
End Sub
Neither of these work and they both crash as soon as you encounter any of the calls with the handle property. Would appreciate any/all suggestions…