Problem using Text to speech functionality

I am using the text to speech functionality in Xojo but the Windows speech engine that gets called, cannot interpret the M and N characters correctly, so I have had to try and find a workaround but this workaround can only say the words “M as a letter” or “N as a letter” rather than just M or N. Can anyone suggest a fix.

Can you give us an example of what you’re trying to speak?

have you installed your spoken country/language pack in Windows ?

Yes I have English UK installed

All I am trying to do is to speak the last letter typed into the textbox. This works for all letters except M and N. I think this is a problem with what is being passed over to the windows speech engine. I agree that this looks like a language pack problem but dont know how to fix it.

What do you hear? I’m guessing a brief hum.

I hear all the letters. The problem is just with the M and N letters. I have to put in a fix that instead of just saying the letter, it says N the letter or M the letter.
This spoils the voice effect of the App. I am hoping that someone has seen this problem and got a fix for it.
Have you any experience of using the text to voice functionality for single letters?

While not a fix, a workaround is to spell out the letter phonetically for the text to speech engine. “Em” and “En” should sound like the singular letters.

Damn, you beat me to the punch. That’s exactly what I was going to suggest. :grin:

Thanks guys. I will try your ideas. I need to find a permanent solution, as it is a learning app for a young child. They can be very fussy !!

Using “en” and “em” should be a pretty darned good solution. If you aren’t satisfied with it, though, you’ll have to dive into this morass: