Problem on xojocloud


I am using the following lines in a web app in the event handler Opening.
Purpose is to check if the database is available or not. At the very first start the db is not there because it must be generated by an admin.
BUT: Xojocloud tells me that the file is there, which of course brings up lots of other errors afterwards. But the file CANNOT be there, because it is a new deployment.

Dim dbFile As New FolderItem("db.sqlite", FolderItem.PathModes.Native)

If dbFile.Exists Then
  'MessageBox("DB exists")

What am I doing wrong?
What must I do to be able to deploy it on Xojocloud?

It is working on my local machine starting it from XoJo-Ide.


I wonder if maybe the file is actually there. What if you change the code to something like:

Item(“dbabc.sqlite”, F // a made up db name

Does exists see that file?

Something to keep in mind…

When you deploy to Xojo Cloud, any files that existed in a previous version of your app does not get deleted. Having looked at your server, there is a .sqlite file at the top level of your app directory.

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One problem I do see however is that you’ve deployed two apps using the same domain. One called SKOnlineAnmeldung and one called SKOnlineAnmeldung2. They both reside in the same directory because they have the same domain name assigned to them. Xojo Cloud will only direct traffic to one of those apps so this is probably the cause of your issue.

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Hi Jason and Greg,
yes, I tried Jason’s proposal (“dbabc.sqlite”) and it did not find it.
The reason is obviously, that files (= the database, which is created by the app) is not deleted when you deploy the app another time.
Knowing this, I always delete the app before a new deployment.

I found out that it works if i DO NOT encrypt the database.

I seems that the encrypted databases is not recognized as a database (Error: file is not a database) when it is encrypted.

On my local machine it works.

Here is the code I use in the opening event of the session:

Dim dbFile As New FolderItem("skanmeld.sqlite", FolderItem.PathModes.Native)

If dbFile.Exists Then
  'MessageBox("DB exists")
  Var d As DateTime = DateTime.Now
  Var glDB As New SQLiteDatabase
  VAR SQL as string
  glDB.DatabaseFile = New FolderItem("skanmeld.sqlite")
    glDB.EncryptionKey = "123"
    SQL="INSERT INTO Sessions (Datum) VALUES('"+d.ToString+"')"
    Var rows As RowSet
    rows = glDB.SelectSQL("SELECT * FROM Sessions")
    If rows <> Nil Then
      SessionID =rows.Column("ID").Value
    End If
  Catch error As DatabaseException
    MessageBox("Error: " + error.Message)
  End Try

So what am I doing wrong here?
Or does XojoCloud not support encrypted databases?


One thing i see immediately is that you’re calling CommitTransaction without BeginTransaction. That may throw an exception.

Also, MessageBox is not going to do anything in app.Open and is only valid within the context of a session.

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Modified a little:

Dim dbFile As New FolderItem("skanmeld.sqlite", FolderItem.PathModes.Native)

If dbFile.Exists Then
  sytem.log system.loglevelcritical, 
  Var d As DateTime = DateTime.Now
  Var glDB As New SQLiteDatabase
  VAR SQL as string
  glDB.DatabaseFile = New FolderItem("skanmeld.sqlite")
    glDB.EncryptionKey = "123"
    glDB.CreateDatabase // Create the db if not existing
    SQL="INSERT INTO Sessions (Datum) VALUES(?)"
    glDB.ExecuteSQL(SQL, d)
    Var rows As RowSet
    rows = glDB.SelectSQL("SELECT * FROM Sessions")
    If rows <> Nil Then
      SessionID =rows.Column("ID").Value
    End If
  Catch error As DatabaseException
// Where in xojo cloud can one see the log messages?
    sytem.log system.loglevelcritical, "DatabaseException: " + error.message
  End Try
End If 

read this:

Hello everybody,
shame on me: There is another connect to the database further down in the same procedure. And there I forgot to set the EncryptionKey.
With the set EncryptionKey there is no more error.

Thanks everybody for offering help.
I have learned something new.
