i have a question about a primary key / unique / auto increment.
If I have a column that must be unique between rows.
I also have a rownum auto increment
I’m curious about the flags that apply here.
The unique column:
1.1) Is unique
1.2) is not null
1.3 is the primary key
The rownumber
2.1) is unique
2.2) is not null (?)
2.3) is auto increment
But somehow when i use both of these together i get table creation errors.
is it possible to have a unique primary not null column and a NOT null auto_increment column?
Alberto is correct… as a matter of fact I just fired up my TADPOLE SQL manager, and if you make a column AutoInc it makes it PK for you… so you cannot have a NON-PK AutoInc field… it won’t even let you create it