The best you might be able to do, which I did once for a screensaver, is have a thin wrapper that is an Xcode based NSPreferences pane that then launches a Xojo app that draws into that pref panes window
[quote=278132:@Norman Palardy]The best you might be able to do, which I did once for a screensaver, is have a thin wrapper that is an Xcode based NSPreferences pane that then launches a Xojo app that draws into that pref panes window
Something like that may work[/quote]
That’s an idea.
I might have a look into macoslib (and the windows equivalent), to see if there is anything in there, or something that can point me in the right direction for declares.
Ultimately however, I think a separate utility app might be better for me (now that I think about it). It would be easier to maintain, instead of trying to synchronise separate apps for each platform.
The prefs pane/control panel applet route was just something I was exploring.
[quote=278132:@Norman Palardy]The best you might be able to do, which I did once for a screensaver, is have a thin wrapper that is an Xcode based NSPreferences pane that then launches a Xojo app that draws into that pref panes window
Something like that may work[/quote]
Interesting. Do you like to share the basic code for ?