Precise DateTime from Database

DatabaseColumn.DateTimeValue reads a standard SQLDateTime formatted string into a DateTime object. There are times when you need greater accuracy and for this, I use the following method which also optionally allows you to set the timezone. It is an extension method which means you need to paste this into a module and its scope needs to be global.

Public Function PreciseDateTime(Extends value As DatabaseColumn, Optional tz As TimeZone) As DateTime
  Var s As String = value.StringValue
  Var nanoseconds As Integer = s.NthField(".", 2).ToInteger
  Var dt As DateTime = DateTime.FromString(s.NthField(".", 1), Nil, tz)
  Var result As New DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, Nanoseconds, tz)
  Return result
End Function

See Documentation for more information.

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Do you use this only for Windows? This line of code

dt = dt.FromString("2022-02-01 12:34:56.12345")

rise a RuntimeException on Mac. Do you have that type of strings?

Yes Windows only for me, but I’ve updated the code so it should now work on all OS’s.

Thanks for pointing this out @AlbertoD


Unless you have exactly the correct number of decimal places, that number is not nanoseconds. I would suggest:

Var nanoseconds as integer = val("0." + s.NthField(".",2)) * 1E9


Good point. I’ve only every used it for sorting.

Updated Code:

Public Function PreciseDateTime(Extends value As DatabaseColumn, Optional tz As TimeZone) As DateTime
  Var s As String = value.StringValue
  Var nanoseconds As Integer = val("0." + s.NthField(".",2)) * 1E9
  Var dt As DateTime = DateTime.FromString(s.NthField(".", 1), Nil, tz)
  Var result As New DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, dt.Hour, dt.Minute, dt.Second, Nanoseconds, tz)
  Return result
End Function