popup in embed

Hi, I’m having a new problem here. I want to use a popupmenu in an embedded container, which will be at least 10 of them as a big list box. But these containers is inside another container for a “TABPANEL” function.

My problem is, the values (text and row tag) will be gotten from an db. But how can I not do this for all 10 instances … only one time, when the session’s default page is shown.

Can I use my own class of the popup and populate this, and will it follow to all my new popups in the embedded containers…

I get some errors about
Static reference to instance method: call this on an instance of class WebPopupmenu.

my line is: g.mPmProgram.DeleteAllRows

How should I proceed?

If I call this DeleteAllrows to the instance I have that would be:
cByraainfo.cProgram.PmProgram.DeleteAllRow, but the my program crash because of a NIL exception… (and this could be that the container that holds that popup has not yet been embedded… i would like to only embed when needed, and not everything in the start… because the startuptime will take longer… OR?

can not a subclasses, get property changes in code ?

And i can not do a msgBox of g.mPmProgram.Listcount just to check it…

still says it need to be on an instance of class webPopupmenu

I did manage to get it to work by putting the population code into the open EVENT of my class… but if this is public subclass, will it confuse all sessions or will it still be separate sessions 100% ?

Since the instance of the class is part of the WebPage, it belongs to the current session.