Xojo’s listbox has been incompatible with Popovers for as long as I can remember. I was hoping that when Xojo added support for Popovers, they’d pay attention to feedback request I made, and also the information I provided several years ago, heck even the information I provided this year.
Popovers are possible, but like B says there’s problems in the framework which screw up co-ordinates. So as long as you use 'em for information only (like B does). Otherwise get ready to steal NSEvents and translate co-ordinates yourself.
Link to information on IF NOT NIL removed because it is prohibited.
There are several areas where I hope that Xojo will put their attention on next. These are areas that affect this long term Xojo developer on a regular basis, it irks me the extra effort we have to go through to make a modern Mac application.
This venerable swiss-army knife of a control, is too complex for a 3rd Party to replace, but it’s stuck in the 90s.
I have been able to bring true alternating rows (that support desktop tinting) to it, and to make the scrollbar look like an overl…
Another long time UI interface element from the Mac that Xojo doesn’t support (and should). These can be added via declares or plugins, but again some Xojo controls misbehave when used with NSPopovers and trying to patch events to make these work, takes considerable effort.