Poor performance of a simulation software in Linux relative to Windows

Thanks. I should say that need to read about thread again. I will include all suggestions, especially this, and test again. Next Monday I will work on my software, test the new version, and keep you informed.

Actually @Sascha_S I think that’s not the same logic - the original code will execute the clause for chrnumber > 1 and then also execute the code for chrnumber > 2 – changing it to a case statement would do one or the other, but not both. (I wonder if this is actually a bug in the original code???)

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To be honest, I didn’t feel like taking a closer look at the individual code segments to see if all the checks were really required. :wink:

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I actually meant: where was it in the documentation that you were recommended to do this:

Hi Mike,

It is not a bug.


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I am not sure, but I coded based on Xojo documentation. Probably for version 2017 since I used it for years.