I didn’t realize about this matter on the blog. I arrive alsto to the same (as one of solutions given in -not my previous- post)
So, using a MobileContanier control I resized/changed its position by code like cc_Datos.Width = 300 worked without any problem.
Now, I’m going further as soon as I like to show more info, but (because space available) didived on different tabs and then gouping info related to tab caption/title
So I’ve got
- a MobileContainer called cont_Datos (let me say with a AndroidMobileTable called lst_Datos )
- within a MobileContainer named cont_Tab where I have a control being named cc_Datos → using Super cont_Datos (I use up to 3 different controls)
- within a Tab Panel, on Screen, where, on Tab 0 I selected Container cont_Tab
Here, If I try to do the same, I’ve got the error static reference to instance method: call this on an instance of class cont_Tab_1.cont_Tab_1.cont_Tab_1.cc_Datos.Width = 300
OK! I see here the error, and the solution (call this on an instance of class) but not sure how to arrive to solve
Any comment might help me