Phoenix, AZ (November 8, 2019) – piDog Software releases v1.15.1.0 of DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas
piDog Software is proud to announce the release of v of DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas.
piDogDataView, based on piDogScrollingCanvas is intended to be an easy to use, drop-in replacement for Xojo’s Listbox control, providing more capabilities and a more modern feel while extending the Classic Xojo ListBox API.
This Update bring several fixes and optimizations along with a couple of great new features.
With this release, you are now able to lock rows to the top of the list for an “additional header” effect.
Checkboxes now align center to follow the cell text and float to the right of the text when a cell is right-aligned.
Check the release notes for a full listing