piDog Software releases ActivityViewer v2.6.0

Phoenix, Arizona (April 10th 2018) – piDog Software releases version 2.6.0 of their ActivityViewer classes

ActivityViewer has been updated to improve compatibility with the current Xojo IDE and add support for SecureSockets.

ActivityViewer is a set of classes by piDog Software that makes it easy to add progress displays for various background tasks to your Xojo projects.

ActivityViewer works by extending the Thread, SocketCore and Shell classes with properties and methods like “Label”, “Icon”, “Progress”, “ProgressText”, “Cancel” and “Finish”.

An ActivityView can be embedded in any window or use the included default Activity Window.

ActivityViewer also includes the ActivityViewer_HTTPFileDownloadSocket which includes SSL support, pausable downloads, automatic proxy detection, password protected directory handling and URL redirection.

ActivityViewer is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux targets and is 32 and 64 bit compatible.

ActivityViewer is available with a lifetime license for $40 and is included in the piDog Bundle for Xojo.

For more information and to download the demo project, visit