Picture in Xojo

J’ai placé des images dans l’éditeur de XOJO.
Est il possible d’avoir la liste de ces images avec le code ?

I placed images in the XOJO editor.

Is it possible to have the list of these images with the code?
Thanck you

You can access the storage folder directly in Contents/Resources if you are on macOS.

Thank you for the answer Beatrice

I suppose tou indicate XOJO/Contentd/Ressource
It is picture of XOJO
But I find picture ou my project

Capture d’écran 2023-11-10 à 13.20.17

The images are copied into the Resources folder. If you get a reference to the Resources folder with

dim f as Folderitem = Specialfolder.Recources

then you can iterate of the contents of the folder and pick out all your images.

Ok Beatrice , Merci

Folder for Debug:
and Folder for compiled

Don’t hardwire the folders. Use the code, beatrix suggested:

dim f as Folderitem = Specialfolder.Recources

It will be correct on debug and release and on Linux, Windows and macOS.


I specified:

just if you want see on finder

Bea’information is exact

Thanck you for your information about linux and window

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