Trying to convert a string to a picture and have run into a problem.
Pictures are stored in a database in what look like two different formats.
One works with the following instruction;
And one works with:
p = Picture.FromData(data)
If the incorrect instruction is used I get a "UnsupportedFormatException
Is there a way to select something is the string to know which to use?
[code]dim p As Picture
p = Picture.FromData(data)
Catch exc As UnsupportedFormatException
p = Picture.FromData(DecodeBase64(data))
Catch exc As UnsupportedFormatException
//handle couldn’t load here??
End Try
End Try
if p = nil then
Msgbox “couldn’t load”
//p is loaded
If the alias is valid, it should resolve automatically to the target folderItem.[/quote]
Yes but in this case the original file was missing. without any indication that was so.