Paste strings in a PDF document

It is for a ProBono project.

They have a pdf and copy there (manually with a pen ?) informations they already entered in the application.

I wondered… is it possible to:
a. Load the electronic version (pdf),
b. Paste the data * into the fields.

  • Data are stored in a ListBox (from a sqlite file) and the needed fields are:
    First Name
    Family Name
    Birth Date
    Today date

and maybe some other recurent strings (charity name/address - probably).

Is it possible to do that ?

PS: the document is a cerfa (from Government / Administrative document)

Not with Xojo’s PDFDocument class - it is write only.
You could with DynaPDF.

Hi Tim,

No, I do not create the PDF nor use PDFDocument.

DynaPDF is a commercial product: no budget.

On a Mac, using AppleScript, it is (was ?) possible to determine the fields (name/reference) and paste data, but the target is a Windows 10 (will be Windows 11 in the future…).

Any other idea ?