Passing Variable Names through Parameters

Hey everyone, I am new to Xojo, I’ve spent about 1 to 2 months now with the program. I am working on a program for my company that handles all of our inventory, invoicing, employee hour tracking, etc… We had it built in Filemaker previously and decided to switch over to Xojo mainly due to the difference in pricing. So I have a little experience with object based programming.
My question is this: In Filemaker I could pass the name of a variable or field from outside the script through a parameter as text. Then within that script I could use the evaluate function to pull that text from the parameter and use it as if i had just typed the variable in directly. Is there any way of doing this in Xojo.

ex. ExampleMethod( variablename As String )
User calls Method:

So in this case:


Let me know if you need more clarification

This is a recipe for really odd and hard to track bugs


ex. ExampleMethod( value As String )

User calls Method:


and this will show the VALUE held in v_dbMain in the message box

the same result done differently